♥ Team Canberra

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Hello, Welcome to Team Canberra Netball's blog.
We're are from Cdiv`2007 & Bdiv`2008.

Netball = Passion = Love.
And for us, we love Netball more than anything else.
We aim to get top 4 in zonals every year, and to take part in the Nationals is our dream as a whole team.

Even though we do complain about our harsh trainings under the sun, we do take every single training session very seriously because during friendly matches, we want to play the match "cleanly" and win the match. as we want to make our Coach, our teacher i/c and our school proud of us.

We are a very bonded team & we do every single thing together. We love each other but we love Netball the most because: Netball is our sizzling hot passion!

In Netball, it's a team game and moody-ness is our weakness. Why? Because when one of us is down, we're down as a team too. Which T.E.A.M means Together Everyone Achieves More.